Saturday, December 12, 2015

Crown Coast Umbrella Review

I received this item discounted in exchange for my honest review.

I live in “sunny” Florida (laughable), I say that because although they call us “sunny” Florida, I think we should really be named extremely hot, humid, and erratic weather Florida since you never know what the weathers going to bring! One things for sure, if there’s even a slight chance for rain, IT’S 100% GOING TO RAIN!!! So no matter if you’re a new Floridian learning the ropes or a born and raised veteran to the Florida weather you will always find yourself in need of a stock supply of umbrellas; until now!!

I have always had to make sure that each one of my family members had an umbrella with them at all times and then a back-up for when that when fails, this becomes extremely expensive and takes up a lot of room that I could use in our storage space. The reason why I’ve always had to do this was because it normally doesn’t matter if I spent $1 on the umbrella or $50 on it, eventually it would fail like all the others and then me, or someone else in the family, would end drenched, cold, and extremely unhappy with yet another umbrella that became garbage! They would either not be able to take the wind and shot straight up (like you see in the movies), the metal would eventually wear out and/or rust and the umbrella would give us a hard time opening and closing, or the skinny metal rods that hold the umbrella open would become weak overtime and break! Either way, they all sucked! So when I had the opportunity to review this umbrella, before ever even knowing what it was all about, I automatically said “YES” because just recently I lost another umbrella to the trash can and we are starting to run out of my stock at this point!

First, I want to talk about the color. I really wanted the color black at first; unfortunately, it’s first come first serve and I snoozed and lost out of the black, so my second choice was red and it was gone before I could get it too, so I decided to go with the yellow color; believe it or not, I’m pretty sure I would’ve actually selected this color as my first choice if it weren’t for me being worried about the shade of yellow pictured on Amazon.

The Amazon picture looked as if the yellow color was dull looking, a much softer color yellow. I would’ve preferred a brighter yellow, not neon bright, but just cheerful looking! The good news is that it was the exact shade of yellow I wanted! Actually, this yellow is probably nicer than what I could’ve ever imagined!

This umbrella was like something I could’ve ever imagined and I can say for sure that I’ve never used an umbrella like this at all! It comes in its own sleeve like many umbrellas do and it has a small wrap around tag to keep the umbrella snuggly together with a Velcro attachment. Once you’re ready to use the umbrella all you have to do is take it out of the sleeve and unwrap it then push the button and voila, it completely opens on its own! When you’re done using it all you have to do is re-push the same button and it closes up, all that left to do it push it the rest of the way down to lock it, wrap it up and attach the Velcro and then slide it back into the sleeve!

I also found that this umbrella is extremely strong and can withstand quite a bit! It’s already gone through the rain and wind challenge of Florida and survived! I can honestly say that this isn’t the kind of umbrella I am going to have to replace in a year or two, this is an umbrella that will survive a lifetime! It’s worth every penny and I will be purchasing a few more for my husband and kids to have as well! Very satisfied and would highly recommend it!!

To read more about this umbrella or purchase it for yourself, follow this link: 

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