Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Take Flight took my heart!

I was given a copy of A Sisterchicks Devotional “Take Flight” from Blogging for Books in return for my written review of my honest feedback.

Take Flight was outstanding! From the moment I opened the book and started reading the words they moved me. Robin has a way with her words that makes you feel as if you’re standing next to her experiencing each memory as if it were happening at that very moment. Each story is written with inspiration and deep feeling of love for the Lord and his creations. As she continues on describing her memories, experiences, and feelings, you start to feel as if you know Robin on a personal level. Almost as if you grew up with her and the two of you are close friends. While she shares intimate life experiences and deep feelings of the Lord’s blessings you only want to hear more.

Robin and Cindy work together as a complete pair. As if they were a pair of shoes, one fits perfectly with the other. As Robin shares her life’s precious moments, Cindy then steps in to go even deep on the level of how God calls to us and how Robin’s experiences were connected to the Lord. She then helps us to see her vision better by taking us into the Bible and showing us exactly how we can see that the Lord has a purpose for every situation. Cindy uplifts you when you need it most and shows you that it will be ok and there is a tomorrow.

You will find beautiful Sisterchick Quotes throughout this book, Scripture for every life experience, plenty of wisdom, and of course a beautiful lifelong friendship with the Sisterchicks! You will find yourself looking for more Sisterchick books and devotions. You will become emotionally hooked and a part of something amazing, you will become a “Sisterchick”!

Definition of SISTERCHICK n.: a friend who shares the deepest wonders of your heart, loves you like a sister, and provides a reality check when your being a brat. (Quoted from the back of A SISTERCHICKS DEVOTIONAL “TAKE FLIGHT!” Written By: Robin Jones Gunn and Cindy Hannan)

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