Sunday, September 1, 2013

Aveeno Nourish + Dandruff Control 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner

I received 2 free bottles of Aveeno Nourish + Dandruff Control 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner in return for my honest feedback. 

After using Aveeno Nourish + Dandruff 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner for a few days it was very moisturizing and did leave my scalp more nourished helping my dandruff, it felt more like I was using lotion in my hair than a shampoo and conditioner which I think will take time to get use to. 

Also, I live in florida and have a hard time handling my frizz with the humidity, I noticed my frizz level went up a little. From a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) I would give it a score of 9 because of the frizz level slightly going up. Compared to other dandruff shampoo and conditioner combos Aveeno’s product was by far more nourishing, moisturizing, and smelled amazing! 

I have always trusted the Aveeno brand name for as long as I can remember, my children and husband both have extremely sensitive skin and many products will make them breakout in hives at times. But with Aveeno I can always count on any of their products to be nothing but safe on my families delicate skin. When your entire family suffers from extremely sensitive skin and you don’t know what products to trust, you can always trust Aveeno. I couldn’t live without their products! 

Thanks Aveeno!!

To find out more information about Aveeno Nourish + Dandruff Control Products: Click Here

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