Thursday, September 26, 2013

Forgiveness: Matthew West

I received a digital copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest feedback.

I love Matthew West, he is one of my favorite Christian Singers, so when I saw this book I was thrilled to read it. I'm so happy it lived up to my expectations! 
As we all know it's not easy giving forgiveness, Asking for forgiveness, forgiving ourselves, and even accepting the Lord's forgiveness at times. Although Our Father asks us to forgive others as he graciously forgives us, many of us still find it as one of our top sinful acts. Why is it so hard to forgive? Why can't we just move past whatever the situation is and trust again without restraint? Why is it so hard to ask for forgiveness? As Matthew West shares the stories of others and what they went through his readers come to see that many go through the same struggles everyday and you will find how these people were able to overcome and move forward. 

What you will find in this book:
Stories about forgiving others, asking for forgiveness, and forgiving yourself. 
Bible scripture on what God say's about forgiveness and stories about forgiveness found in the Bible. 
Embracing God's forgiveness.
How the author was able to deal with situations concerning forgiveness in his life.

If you are like many of us in the world that have a hard time dealing with forgiveness then this is the book for you. You will find at least something you can take out of this book and implement into your life. 

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