Tuesday, October 1, 2013

TruMoo Chocolate Milk

I received my free vouchers to try Trumoo Milk in the mail in exchange for my honest feedback. It was delivered with great timing since it was shopping day and I was heading out to go grocery shopping (go figure).

First, I would like to say that we normally make our own flavored milk with chocolate syrup so we were new to Trumoo. When I returned home with the groceries in hand, walked into the house and I spotted my youngest looking at me, he always knows that when I go grocery shopping I normally bring home snacks and things he loves. My son loves milk, so when I returned home with Trumoo’s Chocolate and Strawberry Milk and he spotted the containers through the bags (he knows what milk containers look like no matter what kind they are) he ran towards me with excitement! Scared I was going to be tackled I surrendered the Gallon and Half Gallon over to my 8 year old and watched him check out what they were, quickly snatch a cup from the cabinet, pour a large cup of chocolate milk, and gulp it down! He has seen the Trumoo Milk Containers at the grocery store and has asked me in the past for them so he was very excited to see he finally got what he had been asking for. In only a couple of days he has managed to go through over half the gallon alone, milk lover is an understatement. With Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, my little boy is now complete with his new best friend, the Trumoo Chocolate Milk Gallon!

My oldest son was allergic to milk when he was growing up and never really became a fan (he has now grown out of his allergy), knowing how he isn’t much of a fan of milk (and because I was never a fan of regular milk myself) I decided to purchased the Trumoo Strawberry milk for him and myself to try (which was the only way you could get me to drink milk growing up). Of course my 12 year old was reluctant and continued to argue with me about his true hatred for milk. I finally convinced him to try the Trumoo Strawberry Milk and loved the smirk that was left on his face after his first swallow! His face said it all “Mom, you were right, this milk is amazing!” Isn’t this what all of us Mom’s wait centuries to hear from our kids? I humbly smiled and let it be with a hug, but in the back of my mind I was thinking “Wow, I just got him not only to drink milk but to enjoy it?!?”

Since then I have caught him on numerous occasions sneaking in the kitchen for a glass of Trumoo Strawberry Milk. I went to get myself a glass this morning and noticed there was only a little left. I guess both my boys are now Trumoo Milk lovers!

Thanks Trumoo, you saved me from ever having to buy another bottle of Vitamin D for my oldest son and you made me a hero with my youngest son! Trumoo rocks!

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