Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dr. Scholl's ® For Her Comfort Insoles

 I received this product complimentary in return for my honest review. Dr. Scholl’s for Her Comfort Insoles: Retail for $12.49

These insoles are amazing! This is coming from a woman that loves her heels but hate what it does to her feet! I also have two bad knees but still haven’t learned my lesson and continue to indulge in my love for shoes, mainly heels are my true love! I think this comes from me only being 5’1 and wanting that extra couple of inches that heels give me. So when I decided to try Dr. Dr. Scholl’s For Her Comfort Insoles I was hoping these insoles would be the solution to my problems with heels and shoes in general! I like that Dr. Scholl’s For Her Comfort Insoles can be used in a variety of shoes, from heels to boots these insoles will come in handy! They absorb the shock and impact on your heel of your foot and helps to protect the ball of your foot area. They also give my knees the pain relief I truly hoped for!

Here are some tips for keeping your insoles in good condition:
  • Make sure you wipe down your Dr. Scholl’s for Her Comfort Insoles after you remove them from your shoes and before you insert them into another pair. This will make sure they keep there adhesiveness.
  • When your not using your Dr. Scholl’s For Her Comfort Insoles keep them in a zip lock bag, this will make sure that dirt, lint, and/or anything else, wont ruin your insoles by coming into contact with them.They will be ready for the next time you are ready to use them!
  • These work best in shoes that have sides to them. If you wear them with open sandal’s you will see the sides on the Dr. Scholl for Her Comfort Insoles a little. They are clear so if you have a wide foot they may not show as much. These insoles only cover 3/4 of your foot so you wont see them near your toe area.
So if you are like me and are in need of some extra comfort in your flats, boots, heels or anything else you put on your feet Dr. Scholl’s For Her Comfort Insoles may be the answer to your prayers!

Make sure you wipe down your Dr. Scholl's for Her Insoles after you remove them from your shoes and before you insert them into another pair. This will make sure they keep there adhesiveness. 

These work best in shoes that have sides to them. If you wear them with open sandal's you will see the sides on the Dr. Scholl for Her Insoles a little. They are clear so if you have a wide foot they may not show as much. These insoles only cover 3/4 of your foot so you wont see them near your toe area. 

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