Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Truvia Natural Sweetener

I received a sample of Truvia Natural Sweetener in exchange for my honest feedback.

I have tried a few natural sweeteners and never really cared for any of them so when I was excepted to try this sample I must admit I wasn’t sure if I would like it at all. I drink chamomile tea almost every night to help calm me and get me ready for a good nights rest. I decided to switch my regular sugar I would normally use with the Truvia Sample I received.

Here are a few key points that I found while trying Truvia:

First, I was surprised that I didn’t have to use nearly as much Truvia as I normally use with sugar in order to get my tea to the sweetness I like.

Second, I noticed that there really wasn’t much of a difference at all in the taste of Truvia to sugar, if anything Truvia has more flavor than regular sugar does. After drinking my nightly tea I was convinced that not all natural sweeteners are equal. Although my experience with some of the other brands hadn’t been good Truvia was amazing! I’ve been told that many natural sweeteners only taste good when using them to bake but I would have no problem sprinkling Truvia on my fruit because it taste that good!

Third, Truvia has zero-calories and comes from leaves so it’s better for you than other alternative sweeteners. This was one fact that I really liked about Truvia.

All in all, If you have tried a few natural sweeteners and haven’t had a good experience or if you haven’t tried them but have been wanting to, do yourself a favor and go for the Truvia! You will be happy you did!

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